Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Any Time is a Good Time to Start Running!

Regardless of your age or fitness level, running regularly will give you a wide array of benefits.  Those benefits include:

*Increased energy levels
*Lower chance of developing heart disease
*Lower chance of getting a variety of different cancers
*Better sleep at night means you feel more rested the next day
*Weight loss

The list could go on and on!  Simply putting on your running clothes, find some good running shoes, and get to it!
If you are in need of motivation, check the results from a local race sometime and note the ages of most of the participants.  Running is a popular hobby to take up later in life, and you will likely see that most of the race finishers were over 35, and many are well older than that.  It is truly never too late to get started as a runner!

See Your Doctor

Before getting into a running program, or any other strenuous exercise routine, it is a wise idea to visit your physician for an overall checkup.   Everyone is advised to take this step, but especially those with the following conditions:

-Significantly overweight
-History of heart problems
-Total beginner with an exercise program
-Trouble breathing, such as asthma
-Chronic Fatigue issues
-Over forty years of age

While it may seem like a pain to go see your doctor, it is a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are healthy and ready to start your running program worry free!
(Running for Weightloss App)

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