Have you ever wanted to go on a cruise, but didn't know exactly how to start the process? Have you said for years..."Someday I'm going on that Girlfriends' Cruise!" This is your year!! Grab your friends and take advantage of our group booking! This is the last week of the price guarantee for our group booking. You CAN book after that...but the prices may be going up. All you need is a deposit and a roommate (or I can try to match you up with someone). Who knows...after 10 years of cruising, this may be our last hurrah! I will walk you through the entire process if you're new to cruising. If you don't currently have a passport...there's still plenty of time to get one!
Camie’s Addiction Girlfriends’ Cruise
10/20-10/24 2014
Carnival Inspiration
4 Night Baja Cruise
Los Angeles, Catalina Isle, Ensenada, At Sea, Los Angeles
(Based on Dbl Occupancy, Per Person)
4B Inside
Cabin $299+87.87tax/port = $386.87
6B Ocean
View Cabin $339+87.87/tax = $426.87
Fee is $25 per person ($50 per cabin); Fee is Non-Refundable & Due w/
Initial Trip Deposit. *Single Occupancy rates available upon Request*
Payment Amounts/Due Dates:
p/person deposit Due by 6/20/2014
Final Balance
is Due by 8/17/2014
Required Info To Book: (please email
all info if possible)
Name (as on Reqr’d Passport), Birth date,
Email Addr., Phone # & Billing Address
Angela Crabtree/Fords World Travel, Sun City AZ
Angela@Fordstravel.com / 623-933-8256-Phone (Mon/Tue/Thu)
Airfare, Insurance, Pre/Post Hotel Nights Are Additional/Optional. Cancel Fee (up
to non refundable) Applies After Final Payment is made.